15th March 1995 -
Now with driver's photographs.
Pre-race weekend IndyCar driver updates.
11th March 1995 -
Going to the Indy track? Here are your options.
8th March 1995 -
The Indy season has started here are the results of the Miami race held on March 5th.
Well done Villeneuve...
6th March 1995 -
Check out the multimedia "big screen" presentations that will be an integral part of this year's hi-tech
Indy Carnival in the article Ten day countdown to kick off with Indy Carnival "Preview Show."
Check out the 1994 IndyCar drivers lined up at Laguna Seca.
2nd March 1995 Yes, we have been invited by IMG to be part of the media frenzy.
Is this an Internet first? Interactive Presentations will have a large booth in the media centre with access around the track at Surfer's Paradise. We are endeavouring to gain access for a few minutes on the day before the IndyCar Australia with an Indy front runner. If we succeed we will let you know - you can post your questions by E-mail to gwb@gil.ipswichcity.qld.gov.au. These questions will be directed to the driver and then be posted on Saturday night (the 18th March 1995) the day before the race. Remember.. we are talking 10 hours before GMT here in Queensland.
1st March 1995 - More news items under "Before the Indy":
22nd February 1995 - All IndyCar driver's details are now available on this web. These details include:
The IndyCar Australia Web will be updated from the track during the Indy race by Interactive Presentations
working from the Surfer's Paradise media centre. Race information and digital images will be placed into the Indy Web
soon after races or incidents at the track.
The During the Indy icon will go live on Friday the 17th March and trackside information will feature "Heard in the media centre" with continuing updates during the Indy weekend.
Statistical information and resources:
One member of staff working from the media centre at Surfer's Paradise will act as the interface between information received live and the information placed on the Indy Carnival Web.
Information will be added after the race is run to establish a complete IndyCar Australia 1995 history on the Internet.
Using the Indy Carnival '95 information:
Options -
- If you have a multimedia machine running video from your television under Windows you can access the Indy Carnival Home Page on URL: "http://gil.ipswichcity.qld.gov.auindy.html" shortly before the race; minimise your Web browser; run your video concurrently on your PC- call up information, statistics, driver information etc.. as required on-line through your Web browser as pop-up screens.
- View the broadcast of the IndyCar Australia race on television and have your Web browser on your PC linked separately to the Indy Carnival '95 Home Page.
During the Indy Carnival race the latest time of an update will be displayed at the top of the DURING sub menu (option accessed through the Indy
Carnival Home Page but not currently live.) To ensure that you have the latest information during the IndyCar Australia race click re-load on your web
browser at the top of the screen while on the DURING sub menu to get the latest from the track.
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