I accepted an earlier invitation from the Wynnum branch executive to attend their monthly meeting. Over 30 One Nation members attended what is, without doubt, the last party meeting in Queensland under the old hierarchy under the two Davids and a flawed constitution.
Ian Nelson, Bob Dutton and I addressed the meeting.
At the meeting the Wynnum membership gave their total allegiance to the remaining five Queensland One Nation MPs... a move which is set to be replicated across the state. Discussion included the impending moves being made by the MPs.
With the help of TIAF we now have plans in action to get the same vision, without the flawed Manly leadership, operational in a very short period of time in all other states. These are exciting times because we will be embracing the so-called "whiteants" and inviting them back to the new party- a D2 Factor-free party.
And this move to register a party outside 2D control by the Queensland MPs has "freaked" David Oldfield who, last night on Channel 9, said that the Queensland MPs could be expelled!
Who the hell is ex-Liberal candidate David Oldfield? To many he is nothing more than a smart talking opportunity seeker. The real heroes of the people's movement are the Bruce Whiteside's who were cast aside by the 2D agenda not the slick talkers like Oldfield and Ettridge.
Quote from Channel 9 Newsreader last night, "They have been awfully quiet in Parliament, the five Queensland One Nation MPs, and now we know why ... they have been quietly planning the demise of Pauline Hanson's right hand men, David Ettridge and David Oldfield."
"The One Nation MPs are re-registering as One Nation Queensland tomorrow..." wrong - this actually took place on Friday with the full support of other key Queensland One Nation members.
"- the two Davids names will be missing."... sanitised at last!
Oldfield said on Channel 9, "Pauline Hanson herself does not support them (the Queensland MPs)..." - interesting that while the Queensland MPs do not know how to contact Pauline Hanson in the US - Oldfield alone apparently does...
And another classic Oldfield comment.. "The most likely repercussion of course is that they will lose their seats at the next state election because they won't be able to stand as One Nation members."
I have learnt that the old Pauline Hanson's One Nation under the failed 2D leadership is going to try to put up candidates in seats against the Queensland State MPs. Problem is they will have no support base or branches to help whoever they put up.
Over the last four weeks I have been detailing the incredibly flawed management and structure that we have under the 2D Factor. When I questioned David Oldfield's leadership motives - I was immediately added to the whiteant list.
The people's party, One Nation, has moved forward in preparation for the new millennium - a point that I implied on Friday with the collectors piece at this link. I expect that some of the Independent ex-One Nation Queensland MPs will join the five now that the 2D cancer has been removed.
The official press meeting on the MPs move takes place
at 10am today... I will be there to give a full report on what transpires
- update this afternoon.
Image right "whiteant" Scott Balson between Ian Petersen and Bill Feldman before the press conference.
Today the Courier-Mail carries a small page five piece headed "Oldfield attacks 'name theft'" in which it is claimed the registration of the name One Nation Queensland by the five MPs would be stopped by Manly.