26 Bradley Ave
Miami Q 4220
The Secretary
Pauline Hanson Support Movement
P O Box 600
Miami Qld 4220.
Dear Madam,
This is not so much as a letter of resignation, but rather one of separation. In writing it I address it not to those who defected to the Hanson Ettridge duo, but to the remnants of the group that formed the Pauline Hanson Support Movement.
In my inaugural speech at the Albert Waterways Community Centre, I had cause to say, quote, "Gutless men, gutless women, aided and abetted by an equally gutless press." In the case of the PHSM, I would in general term have to reiterate those sentiments, except that this time it was aided and abetted by political opportunists to which you all were susceptible.
That committees are anathema to me was obvious to all. Ron Paddison suggested that I could not work with committee. From my perspective and with all due respect, I found that I could not work with the committee. The major contribution to the PHSM, has largely been that of talk, talk. Committee wise Paul Trewartha, Iris Whiteside, Joy Jacka and Ron Paddison, have worked toward the success of the wishes and demands of the Hanson/Ettridge duo. Lindon Litchfield has carried the financial problems. Only one person John Clodd, has really put in the hard yards and for that I am grateful. If ever there are any bouquets handed out, then he is the legitimate recipient. Without him, it would never have got to first base.
Should there ever be any doubt as to what I though of those I came to struggle with, it is this. Almost to a person, what drove you was not the message of Pauline Hanson, but the protocol of committees. Good old Ron, dotting the 'i's', crossing the 't's'. Diligently working on the constitution and then christening it by citing this rule and that clause to terminate the founders `membership', before the ink was even dry. Good work Ron, proud of you son. The stuff of empire builders.
Yvonne Gardner, whose one claim was to sound important and run like hell when there was any work about. Give her a free ticket to a Night to Remember', she is committee. And those who could not be bothered with typing out a floppy disk, yet was first in line for consideration for Pauline's imprimatur in the seat of Moncrieff. The man (Andrew Puls) can sing to, ...smile on me Pauline. Ken Waalwyk, who ran hot and cold, always wanting me to caress the Hanson image. And just who did wield the Ettridge sword of decapitation? Who killed cock Robin. Everybody and nobody. Well what can you expect, even Christ was disillusioned with what he saw. That much at least we have in common.
One person who has done a great job has been Iris Whiteside. I have witnessed at close hand the professionalism, the purposefulness of mind, whilst she struggled with inner turmoil. For that I have great respect. But there I leave the matter.
The PHSM (not the Ned Kelly acquired version, despite its committee purists), were in breach of the process of committee procedure in its illegal hand-over of the people's movement.
1. Why was a special meeting for this move not advertised so that all those with Registration Certificate, the only verified identification with the movement could participate.
2. What was the requirements for a quorum, given that only a handful of the committee were in attendance.
3. Why was the meeting with Ettridge not recorded in accordance with committee protocol and procedure.
4. Who authorised the appointment of Hanson and Ettridge to the spurious "National Executive."
5. Another handful of people. Once again what was the position in regard to a quorum?
All this smacks at kids playhouse stuff and here I am thinking that running a committee should be in the hands of experts.
You may all feel easy about this whole affair. I do not.
The letter of termination left on my desk by persons unknown, accredited to 'Yes Minister, Ron Paddison', was the final straw. It achieves by the art of small mindedness the severance so desired by the pomposity of the rule of Constitution, of my association THE COMMITTEE.
The article of demand is flawed.
1. Membership of what association? My registration Certificate was with the PHSM, here on the Gold Coast.
2. The organisation to whom I was associated was of the people. It was not the bastardised version that has been politicised.
3. Even supposing I were a member of that outfit, I would have been in ownership of the said Constitution book, thereby able to ascertain the rules and clause that I stand indicted under. The fact I have no idea how I am able to lodge an appeal to a charge that I am totally oblivious to.
4. In fact the Constitution could hardly be used for any breach that I may stand accused of.
5. According to the 'charge sheet', rule 8: (3): d, is the section I will be drawn and quartered by.
6. There is no indication, suggestion or even bush telegraph communication that can throw ant light on the dastardly crime I have committed.
7. There is that word again COMMUNICATION.
8. If as I suspect the issue is Pauline Hanson, then be warned you are all on very thin ice. We are dealing here with the Movement. If I have done anything to harm, damage or hold in disrepute, the Movement to which I had something to do with, them have the combined guts to say so.
9. If as I suspect, this is about the public criticism of Pauline Hanson, then I hold you all in complete contempt.
The axiom that was as much a hallmark of Pauline Hanson', maiden speech, was all about, the `freedom of speech.' She has specifically said that she would not be a party to party discipline. She would not be gagged. I fully concur. This same lady directed that I should not speak to the media, whilst she was overseas. I AGREED TO THAT.
What you all failed to give me credit and integrity for was that I held to that agreement. I made it abundantly clear that two items of mine were already in the system. These came out after the assurance. That no contact was made to the media, after the `suppression order', was never accepted. You all believed what you wanted to.
The next time I spoke to the media was on April 1, 1997. This was telegraphed to Pauline Hanson on March 26th. She chose to ignore it. I make no apologies for saying what I did. Ken Waalwyk embraced me when I spoke 'nicely' about Pauline Hanson on the Anna Reynold's program.
None of you, not even Pauline Hanson, was in the unique position to openly throw cold water in her face, to bring her to her bloody senses. Of all the people in Australia, who could stop her in her tracks, I was the only one to whom an agenda could not be levelled. Time will judge whether I was right or wrong on that.
Just as nobody was strong enough to stand up to Pauline Hanson, so too did the committee exhibit weakness in dealing with myself. It should have presented a challenge, but you all prevaricated and failed to control the driving force.
None of you, with the possible exception of Paul Trewartha have thought through the ramifications of me working outside. Were I so inclined to emulate the things I have been accused of then I could do tremendous harm to the Pauline Hanson campaign. This is the dilemma you are all faced with now. If Pauline Hanson, David Ettridge, or Ron Paddison had had even a skerrick of political savvy, then it always made sense that the maverick could have been harnessed, for the good of the cause. It was a challenge that was set aside because small minds and piqued egos, proved too much of an obstacle. In the end the cause was lost.
In the words of that great Persian philosopher;
The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on.
Nor all thy piety or wit
Shall lure it back to cancel half a line
Not thy tears wash out a word of it.
The Founder