6th October 2000
Open letter to Pauline Hanson from the founder of the Pauline Hanson Support Movement.
Four years ago this month I launched the Pauline Hanson Support Movement. The idea was to throw a shield of protection around you formed by ordinary Australians. At the time you were at the mercy of the press, politically correct politicians and an element of hostile groups hell bent on burying you. In those days your friends were scare on the ground.
Today four years on, you have a done a better job than all the forces combined. What you present to your people, those you used to refer to as 'those out there' is no longer an image of a battler for the underdog, but rather Australia's version of a Slobodan Milosevic. You are arrogant, at war with the world and absolutely contemptuous of anyone who stands in your way.
You have now adopted the infantile attitude that after four years you have finally tumbled to the cancer of corruption that was the One Nation godhead of Hanson, Ettridge and Oldfield. You try to convey the appearance of being concerned about the issues that have concerned the people who formed your hard core of support. This is a sham. What you are trying to do is to convey the false image that you are in control, that you have been hood-winked and now wish to convey the impression that you did not know.
As late as yesterday moves were afoot to bring you to your senses, but your relayed response was one of utter arrogance and contempt. By any yardstick you are consumed with your own invincibility, by any yardstick you are the very antithesis of a democrat. Remember, 'democracy is mob rule'.
Twenty-four hours is a long time in politics.
The people who gathered to form Pauline's army deserve better than the public brawling, the ill-disciplined leadership, and the non-democratic, deceptive and misleading dubious party. They deserve a leader, not a tantrum prone feline with bare claws at the ready. They are no longer prepared to listen to appeals for money, tears about bankruptcy, and the rubbish spewing forth about massive support for you since you dumped Oldfield. Lets not fool ourselves Pauline, Oldfield and Ettridge will destroy the little you have left. You are a sham and a woman, who's only concern is herself.
Four years ago you stood tall; people like myself would have walked on coals to support the lofty aims and concerns you advocated. Thousands have been hurt, financially and health-wise. Some have even died pursuing the dream that you presented. You're response was simple and demonstrably indicative of the woman; 'they didn't have to do it.' Such 'graciousness' was the hallmark of your brief sojourn with fame.
The issues that you ran on have long run out of hanson-puff since your total preoccupation has been with yourself. These issues were never 'Hanson' issues, so it now needs someone with genuine dedication to pick up the reins where you stumbled and fell.
We need an advocate, with passion, with dedication, who will not screw up. We need rationality, articulacy, appreciation and in-depth knowledge. In you we had none of those things. However we were prepared to allow you to be the icon for change and the woman who would deliver the shock therapy one liners. Therein lay your strength, therein lay the massive support, not for Pauline Hanson as such but as a viable depository for the protest vote.
Megalomania, is what now drives you. It is time to finally admit that you are beyond redemption, beyond help. We must now find a worthy advocate; it is time for the true believers to move on.
Finally a passing thought. It took an army of dedicated workers to build the largest ship of its day. It was said it was unsinkable, but it took an arrogant captain to send it to the bottom of the sea.
Goodbye Pauline
pp: Hanson