26th March 2000
Why was Hanson born without ears and given crocodile tears ducts?
Unfortunately, tears will not help Pauline Hanson now. Even if the money given to this distress appeal were used to mount a High Court challenge, it is doomed to go the same way as the previous two. In any case the cost of this action is beyond the financial capabilities of the 'organisation' to pay. The inevitable cannot be stayed indefinitely. One Nation was established on fraud ...not by Hanson, but by the two David's.
Hanson's dilemma has been self induced. Her implacable loyalty to the two David's has now backfired. They like the individuals they are, have walked away and allowed her to face the music. 'Their' generosity extends to 'moral support,' how morally bankrupt can you get?
I am sorry if I offend those who refused to listen, but you were all warned. Hanson has at least six letters from me pleading with her to 'dump the two David's.' I called publicly on national television for her to dump them, to no avail. She chose to ignore these letters and a very public appeal. She read them, she saw them, but for reasons known only to her she wanted nothing to do with their message. Why?
It has been claimed that Hanson's speech was the catalyst for her support. It has been claimed that Pasquarelli crafted her career. Lets be clear about all this; Hanson created Hanson. Pasquarelli took her black and white 'people' speech and gave it colour ...THE BLUEPRINT WAS HANSON.
My contribution was very simple ...I tried to give the girl public support when everyone else in this country was whispering about their 'support' of what Hanson was saying. Once a few began putting their hands up the rest followed. We went on to build a movement that became a hi-jacked platform for a deceitful sham. The two hi-jackers should ultimately have to answer to the courts.
Ettridge was right, I did have the vision, but I also has the perception to see that something was horribly wrong ...not four years on, but at the very moment it started. The man who aided and abetted Ettridge and Oldfield was Paul Trewartha. Paul Trewartha did not as he claimed in the Supreme Court start the PHSM. Much of the evidence was tailored.
What Hanson never understood was that as architect of the movement I had first hand working knowledge of what was happening. Having drafted all the paperwork I knew exactly what was going wrong.
This gave rise to Oldfield saying: 'You were never going to be allowed to remain in the movement. You stood in the way of our agenda. We are going to destroy you.'
Hanson has steadfastly refused to implicate David Oldfield. The reason is based on pure illogical emotion. It is my guess that Hanson is still in love. Oldfield himself has scant regard for women as has been exhibited by his distasteful poses for the media. He used Hanson and she refused to see what was patently clear to the world. Who is to argue or understand that emotion. My anger is that this human weakness was exploited. Not only did Hanson pay dearly, so did the rest of us.
Pauline Hanson in my book is a very basic, honest person. She has proved that she is naive by going guarantor for the massive debt that both Ettridge and Oldfield would have assured her was never likely to eventuate.
The pursuit of One Nation through the courts would never have taken place, had Hanson rung me up and asked, 'How can this thing be stopped.'
She never bothered ...and that was her undoing.
It might be informative to explain to your readers that Mr Terry Sharples initial approach to take One nation to court was done with considerable contribution from myself. Had it not been for the early documentation of the PHSM, Sharples would have not had a starting point to proceed upon. Sharples DID NOT want to destroy Hanson; he never set out to do that As I have said before he made an effort to track Hanson down in Tweed, in order to seek reimbursement of his expenses involved in becoming a candidate for One Nation. SHARPLES WOULD HAVE CALLED THE COURT-CASE OFF HAD HANSON AGREED TO SEVER HER TIES WITH ETTRIDGE AND OLDFIELD. Had Hanson agreed to talk I was to act as a broker. Tragically for Hanson, she took the advise of the two David's. Self interest, self preservation!
Recently I spoke to Maurie Marsden. Naturally he is very protective of Pauline. He believes he can sort this thing out with Senator Len Harris. He told me that Hanson has only two people she can trust; himself and Len Harris.
I told him that he was wrong. Harris remains Hanson's mealticket. He will no more stand alongside her than the other drop-outs. The reason: Harris had his chance as did Heather Hill. If either of these two were gold plated genuine they would have stood aside and allowed Hanson into the Senate. They did not; therefore they are no better than the other carpet-baggers. As for Maurie Marsden, I have never doubted that he has political nous, but is he too emotionally involved with Hanson to be totally objective?
Candidly I would like to see a handful of hard-headed grassroots supporters get behind Hanson.
As I write this yet another phone call comes in seeking to donate money to Hanson's cause. This one is for $1000. It comes at 11p.m. This is the tenth or eleventh call in two days. I ask "Why ring me? I have been disassociated with Hanson for over three years." They reply 'We didn't know who to ring and found your phone number on the original PHSM. We thought you would know how to contact her.'
Well the answer to that is that I don't. Why should I? Hanson in spite of her family ingrained values, have never displayed the a common courtesy of a reply. Hanson treats people like the proverbial.
Out of frustration I rang Marsden and told them to get their act together. The point I make is that Hanson has the capacity to draw people. If people clamour around for old pieces of paper to find a means of helping her in her hour of need, then rid of all the baggage of One Nation, she could make a comeback.
If Hanson can prove to the electoral commissioner by affidavits from those candidates who are supposed to have been reimbursed, were then I believe that Commissioner O'Shea will accept the cash shortfall as settlement of the debt.
My recommendation to Pauline Hanson is use the goodwill money to that end. It is with this in mind that I have gone to the effort to provide what help I can to the callers.
If there are people so inclined to make contributions then this is the contact I have been given :
Telephone: 07 3281 0077.
Address P.O.Box 428 Ipswich
Please note that information is being provided by the writer and not the editorial of this newspaper.
I have never doubted that had Hanson renounced the two David's that she would have gone on to build that third political movement that this country badly needs. The support, latent now, just needed that spark of hope. It was in her power to give it, ...some of us cling to the hope that it will come to fruition.
The real question is simple, why, with all the money that flowed into the One Nation coffers, must Hanson need to cry for cash. Or is this just another stunt? Is there in fact enough in the kitty to bail her out?
What has been done in the name of Pauline Hanson in my book it tantamount to criminal intent. There must come a day of judgement. When you play with public money, you have to be accountable. One Nation directors have much to account for.